Tuesday, September 23, 2008

on Customer Service

Where did customer service go? I bought an expensive TV set a few days ago from Best Buy. The store made me pay $100 to deliver it one mile to my home, and offered me a $350 service to actually callibrate the set once delivered for a total of almost $500 on a $2000 set. As sets get more and more complex, stores realize customers need help and realize too another source for making money off them. Everywhere customers, are now doing work that ten years ago the stores covered out of their profits. The desire for ever-increasing profits has hit almost every area. Bag your own groceries, pump your own gas (even though gas prices are soaring), be your own tech support for your computer, TV, appliance anything...the list goes on and on.

I opened a cd at my local Bank of America branch. Found I couldn't take the money out without a penalty higher than the interest I was making. Wanted to cancel my Sprint contract becsue of lousy service--no. no...Sprint wants you to pay for that lousy service with penalty before they will release you. Have you been loyal to an airline? try using your award miles for free flights. The reward for loyalty is being stiffed.

Where do they think customer loyalty fits into this equation? They don't. They want short-term profits---now! I'm loyal to my Japanese car maker, Honda--third one I've purchased. Long term customer loyalty is their motto.

With so many products and goods on the market with a very slim difference between them...my decision to purchase will rest on the quality of Customer service and tech support. So...let the magazines that rate these products also rate the tech support, and customer service. Let's see how long Company A takes to get a human being that will listen and resolve the problem without passing you on? How long does company B take to refund your faulty product?let's make them accountable after the product is purchased.
The picture above is the Red Onion saloon and brothel (during the Gold Rush Days) in Alaska. Now they understood customer service!!!

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